“The Gion Festival is not a show,” the chief priest of Yasaka Shrine objects.“Alcohol and food are provided,” regarding the premium seats…


“The Gion Festival is not a show,” the chief priest of Yasaka Shrine objects.“Alcohol and food are provided,” regarding the premium seats…

「祇園祭はショーではない」八坂神社の宮司が異議 プレミアム観覧席 を巡り「酒と食事は提供 …
一方、京都観光協会は、今回の騒動について、「対話が足りなかっ た」と述べていました。 (Q、神事である祭りと観光の両立は難しい課題で すか?)…

“The Gion Festival is not a show,” the chief priest of Yasaka Shrine objects.“Alcohol and food are provided,” regarding the premium seats…
On the other hand, the Kyoto City Tourism Association stated that “there was a lack of dialogue” regarding the latest incident. (Q: Is it difficult to balance the festival, which is a Shinto ritual, with tourism)? …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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