“Not enough sushi chefs” Unexpected miscalculation of inbound demand and sushi popularity – sushi chef “training school” in 3 months…


“Not enough sushi chefs” Unexpected miscalculation of inbound demand and sushi popularity – sushi chef “training school” in 3 months…

「寿司職人が足りない」インバウンド需要と寿司人気の思わぬ誤算 3か 月で寿司職人”養成所”まで …
門をたたくのは、元自衛官や企業の採用担当者など経歴は様々。寿司職人をめざす理 由も十人十色です。 人気寿司店 来店客の多くが外国人観光客. RKB.

“Not enough sushi chefs” Unexpected miscalculation of inbound demand and sushi popularity – sushi chef “training school” in 3 months…
The people who come knocking at the door come from a variety of backgrounds, including former Self-Defense Forces personnel and corporate recruiters. There are many reasons why people want to become sushi chefs. Popular sushi restaurant Most of the customers are foreign tourists. RKB.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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