The abolition alternative to Kyoto City Bus 1 -Day Ticket is -Yahoo! News


The abolition alternative to Kyoto City Bus 1 -Day Ticket is -Yahoo! News

京都市バス1日券の廃止 代替策は – Yahoo!ニュース
観光関連産業の需要回復が期待される一方、観光地に住む人の生活環 境が悪化する「オーバーツーリズム(観光公害)」の再燃も懸念される。そ うした中、京都市は〝…

The abolition alternative to Kyoto City Bus 1 -Day Ticket is -Yahoo! News
Over -Two Rhythm ( Tourism Pollution (Sightseeing Pollution, which deteriorates the living environment of sightseeing people who are expected to recover from sightseeing demand. ) “) There is also a concern. Under such circumstances, Kyoto city is 〝& nbsp;
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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