Unemployed young people are collapsing on the stairs and in parks… China’s “zombie economy” after the real estate bubble burst…


Unemployed young people are collapsing on the stairs and in parks… China’s “zombie economy” after the real estate bubble burst…

失業した若者が階段や公園で行き倒れている…不動産バブルがはじけた 中国の「ゾンビ経済」の …
日本への外国人観光客のインバウンドは盛んだが、最大の理由は円安であ る。ドルの所有者なら嘗て200ドルだったビジネスホテルが120ドルくらいで宿泊でき る。

Unemployed young people are collapsing on the stairs and in parks… China’s “zombie economy” after the real estate bubble burst…
The inbound flow of foreign tourists to Japan is thriving, but the main reason is the weak yen. If you own a dollar, you can stay at a business hotel for about $120, which used to cost $200.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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