70% of visitors to Japan place importance on sustainable tourism, awareness is high in Taiwan, Thailand, and Indonesia – Japan Tourism Agency survey


70% of visitors to Japan place importance on sustainable tourism, awareness is high in Taiwan, Thailand, and Indonesia – Japan Tourism Agency survey

7割の訪日客がサステナブルツーリズムを重視、台湾・タイ・インドネ シアで意識高くー観光庁調査
観光庁が行った「訪日外国人旅行者の受入環境整備に関するアンケー ト」の後半は、持続可能な観光への関心について行われたアンケートの調査 結果を見ていく。

70% of visitors to Japan place importance on sustainable tourism, awareness is high in Taiwan, Thailand, and Indonesia – Japan Tourism Agency survey
The second half of the “Survey on improving the environment for receiving foreign tourists visiting Japan” conducted by the Tourism Agency focused on interest in sustainable tourism. Let’s take a look at the results of a survey conducted on the subject.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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