The trend is to withdraw… trying to move the corner of a good position, 6-5 steps, Yasumitsu’s bullish approach <Main battle, Sato…


The trend is to withdraw… trying to move the corner of a good position, 6-5 steps, Yasumitsu’s bullish approach

トレンドは撤退要求…好位置の角を動かそうと 6五歩、康光流の強気な アプローチ<本戦・佐藤 …
【読売新聞】 竜王戦本戦準々決勝・佐藤康光九段-池永天志六段戦は午後3時過 ぎ、中盤の主導権争いが続いています。 本局は佐藤九段が先手番となり、矢倉の…

The trend is to withdraw… trying to move the corner of a good position, 6-5 steps, Yasumitsu’s bullish approach

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