It’s expensive…but…it’s still a lucky charm that you’ll want to eat…This year’s trend is “Cut it for good!” For families…


It’s expensive…but…it’s still a lucky charm that you’ll want to eat…This year’s trend is “Cut it for good!” For families…

高い…けど…やっぱり食べたい縁起物…今年のトレンドは「カットして Good!」 ファミリー向け …
ただ近年の物価高もあり、担当バイヤーは最近のトレンドを「大ぶりのウナ ギをカットして、家族で楽しむ人が増えている」と分析する。 イオン鹿児島店では 丑の日…

It’s expensive…but…it’s still a lucky charm that you’ll want to eat…This year’s trend is “Cut it for good!” For families…
However, due to rising prices in recent years, the buyer in charge analyzes the recent trend as “more and more people are cutting large pieces of eel and enjoying it with their families.” Aeon Kagoshima store celebrates Ox Day…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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