Do Reiwa’s single aristocrats “power singles” like to treat themselves? Analysis with household account book app – Nikkei Cross Trend


Do Reiwa’s single aristocrats “power singles” like to treat themselves? Analysis with household account book app – Nikkei Cross Trend

令和の独身貴族「パワーシングル」はおごり好き? 家計簿アプリで分 析 – 日経クロストレンド
Zaimは消費レコードの他、性別、年齢、居住地の他、収入や職業、家族構成もデータ として取得している。クレジットカードとの連係の他、レシート撮影で支出を記 録…

Do Reiwa’s single aristocrats “power singles” like to treat themselves? Analysis with household account book app – Nikkei Cross Trend
In addition to consumption records, Zaim also collects data on gender, age, place of residence, income, occupation, and family structure. In addition to linking with your credit card, you can also record your spending by taking photos of receipts.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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