Toa Harada appears as a model for “Trend Keyword Makeup Suggested by TGC”! | Girls² – Sony Music


Toa Harada appears as a model for “Trend Keyword Makeup Suggested by TGC”! | Girls² – Sony Music

「TGCが提案するトレンドキーワードメイク」モデルに原田都愛が登 場! | Girls² – Sony Music
TGC がイベント開催ごとに発信しているトレンドキーワード。 今回は⽇本上 陸20周年を迎えるELLEgirl チームとスペシャルコラボレーションという事で ELLEgirl…

Toa Harada appears as a model for “Trend Keyword Makeup Suggested by TGC”! | Girls² – Sony Music
Trendkeywords that TGC sends out at each event. This time, it is a special collaboration with the ELLEgirl team, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary in Japan, so…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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