Weekly Women’s Golf | TVO TV Osaka


Weekly Women’s Golf | TVO TV Osaka

Weekly女子ゴルフ | TVO テレビ大阪
9月15日(日) 夜11:56~深夜0:21 1週間の女子ゴルフのトレンドを総まと め!スゴ技プレーや女子プロの素顔、逸材の原石たちを番組独自の視点でわかりやす く解説!

Weekly Women’s Golf | TVO TV Osaka
September 15th (Sunday) 11:56 pm to 0:21 am A complete summary of trends in women’s golf for the week! An easy-to-understand explanation of the amazing skill plays, the real faces of professional female players, and the gemstones of talent from the program’s unique perspective!
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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