Unveiling of secret Buddha statues and art exhibition at Enryakuji Temple, Mt. Hiei: Trending video – Jiji Press


Unveiling of secret Buddha statues and art exhibition at Enryakuji Temple, Mt. Hiei: Trending video – Jiji Press

秘仏ご開帳とアート展示 比叡山延暦寺:トレンド動画 – 時事通信
天台宗総本山の比叡山延暦寺(大津市)で7年ぶりとなる西塔釈迦堂の秘仏「釈迦如 来像」のご開帳と特別拝観が14日、始まった。延暦寺の世界遺産登録30周年記 念…

Unveiling of secret Buddha statues and art exhibition at Enryakuji Temple, Mt. Hiei: Trending video – Jiji Press
The unveiling and special viewing of the “Statue of Shaka Nyorai” in the Saito Shakado Hall began on the 14th at Hieizan Enryakuji Temple (Otsu City), the head temple of the Tendai sect of Buddhism, for the first time in seven years. Celebrating the 30th anniversary of Enryaku-ji Temple’s registration as a World Heritage Site…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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