Gachi Chinese, the trend in 2024 is “Detapped Chinese”. Unusual for that super famous food court | 36kr JAPAN


Gachi Chinese, the trend in 2024 is “Detapped Chinese”. Unusual for that super famous food court | 36kr JAPAN

ガチ中華、2024年のトレンドは「脱中華」。あの超有名フードコートに も異変 | 36Kr Japan
中国人留学生の増加やコロナ禍でのテナント料下落、海外旅行に行けない日本人の非 日常需要など複数の要因が絡まり、ブームが続…

Gachi Chinese, the trend in 2024 is “Detapped Chinese”. Unusual for that super famous food court | 36kr JAPAN
There are multiple factors such as the increase in Chinese students, fallen tenant fees due to corona, and the extraordinary demand of Japanese who cannot travel abroad, and the boom continues …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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