[2024 Forex Market Outlook] In the 1st year to be aware of US depreciation -IG


[2024 Forex Market Outlook] In the 1st year to be aware of US -dollar -depreciation -IG

【2024年 外為市場の展望】米ドル安を意識する1年に – IG
インフレの進行と米連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)の金融引き締め政策を受け、直近2年 間の外為市場では、米ドル高のトレンドが続いた。しかし2023年11月の中 旬…

[2024 Forex Market Outlook] In the 1st year to be aware of US -dollar -depreciation -IG
Following the progress of inflation and the US Federal Reserve Council (Fed) monetary tightening policies, the US dollar trend continued in the last two years of foreign exchange markets. But in the middle of November 2023 …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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