Did the nominated word of the 2023 “New Language / Buzzword Grand Prize” really popular? Search trends …


Did the nominated word of the 2023 “New Language / Buzzword Grand Prize” really popular? Search trends …

2023年「新語・流行語大賞」のノミネートワードは本当に流行していた のか?検索トレンドを …
マーケターにとって、世の中の流行やトレンドを押さえておくことは重要な ポイントです。今消費者は何に注目しているのか、どんなニーズを抱えているのか?

Did the nominated word of the 2023 “New Language / Buzzword Grand Prize” really popular? Search trends …
It is an important point for marketers to hold down the trends and trends in the world. What do consumers are paying attention to now and what needs are they?
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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