The importance of relaxing the physical condition of the musical actor (Yoshio Inoue) –Nikkei Cross Lend


The importance of relaxing the physical condition of the musical actor (Yoshio Inoue) –Nikkei Cross Lend

ミュージカル俳優の体調管理 筋肉をほぐす重要性(井上芳雄) – 日経 クロストレンド
井上芳雄です。2023年12月9日から日生劇場で幕を開けたミュージカル『ベートーヴ ェン』は、年を明けて福岡、愛知での公演を経て、24年1月19日から兵庫で…

The importance of relaxing the physical condition of the musical actor (Yoshio Inoue) –Nikkei Cross Lend
This is Yoshio Inoue. The musical “Beethoven”, which opened at the Nissei Theater on December 9, 2023, has been performed in Fukuoka and Aichi over the year, and from January 19, 2014, in Hyogo
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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