Abe Sadao starring “Inappropriate is inappropriate!” Episode 1 –Cinema Cafe cinemacafe.net


Abe Sadao starring “Inappropriate is inappropriate!” Episode 1 –Cinema Cafe cinemacafe.net

阿部サダヲ主演「不適切にもほどがある!」第1話 – シネマカフェ cinemacafe.net
初回からトレンド1位を獲得し「面白すぎ」「さすがクドカン!」と絶賛の声 が上がっている。 本作は、阿部さん演じる妻を亡くした小川市郎が、ひょんなこと から…

Abe Sadao starring “Inappropriate is inappropriate!” Episode 1 –Cinema Cafe cinemacafe.net
From the first time, he won the trend first place, and the acclaimed voice was rising, saying, “Too fun” and “Kudkan!” In this work, Ichiro Ogawa, who lost his wife who played Abe, is
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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