[Miyoshi Oyushi] Announced the proprietary survey “2024 Trend prediction / confectionery bread edition”, men are “ingredients and sauces …


[Miyoshi Oyushi] Announced the proprietary survey “2024 Trend prediction / confectionery bread edition”, men are “ingredients and sauces …

【ミヨシ油脂】独自調査「2024年トレンド予測・菓子パン編」発表、男 性は「具やソースの …
… ◇サマリー. 本調査結果に加え、ミヨシ油脂が独自に選出した2024年トレンドキーワードにもとづく、総菜パン、米粉、アップサイクルフード、プラント…

[Miyoshi Oyushi] Announced the proprietary survey “2024 Trend prediction / confectionery bread edition”, men are “ingredients and sauces …
… ◇ Summery. In addition to the results of this survey, based on the trend keyword in 2024, which Miyoshi fats and oils were selected independently, prepared bread, rice flour, up -cycle food, plant …
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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