“Look for trendy clothes that can be worn at work?” I asked Chatgpt for coordination …


“Look for trendy clothes that can be worn at work?” I asked Chatgpt for coordination …

「職場に着ていけるトレンドの服を探して?」ChatGPTにコーディネイ トを聞いてみた驚きの結果 …
そんな疑問を最初に持ったのはUS版『ヴォーグ』だった。 同誌編集者のジョイ・モ ンゴメリーはchatGPTに、「2024年のトレンドとなる」アイテムを教えてほし いと…

“Look for trendy clothes that can be worn at work?” I asked Chatgpt for coordination …
The first thing that had such a question was the US version of Vogue. The magazine editor, Joy Mongomery, tells Chatgpt to tell the items that become “2024 Trend
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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