Unless there is a trend of recovery from trust, it should not be dissolved = Komei Yamaguchi Representative | Reuters


Unless there is a trend of recovery from trust, it should not be dissolved = Komei Yamaguchi Representative | Reuters

信頼回復のトレンドない限り、解散すべきでない=山口公明党代表 | ロイター
公明党の山口那津男代表は5日の記者会見で、衆院解散・総選挙について、いまは政 治不信が深まっており、それを裏付けるように支持率も下がり続けている状況…

Unless there is a trend of recovery from trust, it should not be dissolved = Komei Yamaguchi Representative | Reuters
At a press conference on the 5th, Natsuo Yamaguchi of the Komeito Party, the dissolution and general election of the lower house is now deepening political distrust, and the approval rating is continuing to support it
* Translated with Google’s automatic translation function. If you have any mistranslation, please contact us.

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