The Nikkei average remains flat. Will the upward trend continue? (Market conditions and analysis) 2024/3/26


The Nikkei average remains flat. Will the upward trend continue? (Market conditions and analysis) 2024/3/26

日経平均は横ばい推移。上昇トレンド続くか(市況と分析) 2024/3/26
日経平均CFD(外為どっとコムの取引口座「CFDネクスト」での銘柄名:日本N225)に ついて、ここまでの相場の振り返りと、この先のポイントについて短時間で…

The Nikkei average remains flat. Will the upward trend continue? (Market conditions and analysis) 2024/3/26
A quick look back at the market price of the Nikkei 225 CFD (stock name in’s trading account “CFD Next”: Japan N225) so far and key points going forward. 
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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