Naniwa boy Ryusei Onishi is very excited about Nitori’s latest item that he wants to use in his new life “Gaming Chair” with 3 in 1…


Naniwa boy Ryusei Onishi is very excited about Nitori’s latest item that he wants to use in his new life “Gaming Chair” with 3 in 1…

なにわ男子・大西流星が大興奮 ニトリで新生活に使いたい最新アイテ ム “ゲーミング座椅子”に1台3 …
「なにわ男子」の7人が“最新トレンドの羅針盤”として様々なジャンルの2つ の候補を深掘り取材し、それぞれの特徴を解き明かす『めざましテレビ』の企画…

Naniwa boy Ryusei Onishi is very excited about Nitori’s latest item that he wants to use in his new life “Gaming Chair” with 3 in 1…
A project for “Mezamashi TV” in which the seven members of “Naniwa Danshi” conduct in-depth interviews with two candidates from various genres as “compasses for the latest trends” and unravel the characteristics of each. .
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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