In the first episode of the spring anime “Yorukura”, the part the director was most conscious of was “fate” [Serialization 01]


In the first episode of the spring anime “Yorukura”, the part the director was most conscious of was “fate” [Serialization 01]

春アニメ『ヨルクラ』第1話、監督が一番意識していた部分は「運命」 【連載01】
明日話すべき話題も、今週買うべき洋服も、全部スマホ(ルビ:トレンド)が教えてくれる。何者かになってみたい——そんな願いを持つ間もないほどこの 世界は…

In the first episode of the spring anime “Yorukura”, the part the director was most conscious of was “fate” [Serialization 01]
Your smartphone (Ruby:Trend) will tell you everything about the topics you should talk about tomorrow and the clothes you should buy this week. I want to become someone – this world is such a world that I don’t have time to have that wish. …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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