enviable! Just as I thought…the tragedy that awaits people whose parents own Tower Man after 2030…


enviable! Just as I thought…the tragedy that awaits people whose parents own Tower Man after 2030…

羨ましい!と思いきや…「親がタワマンを持っている人」に待ち受ける “2030年以降”の悲劇 …
タワマン人気は衰えませんが、『60歳からのマンション学』(講談社)の著者でマン ショントレンド評論家の日下部理絵氏は、近い将来「高齢の親がタワマンを 持って…

enviable! Just as I thought…the tragedy that awaits people whose parents own Tower Man after 2030…
The popularity of Tower Man is undiminished, but Rie Kusakabe, author of “Condominium Studies from Age 60” (Kodansha) and critic of condominium trends, predicts that in the near future, “elderly parents will own Tower Man.  …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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