Original survey “Japanese Marketer Directory 2024” What are the key people aiming for now? – Nikkei Cross Trend


Original survey “Japanese Marketer Directory 2024” What are the key people aiming for now? – Nikkei Cross Trend

独自調査「日本のマーケター名鑑2024」 キーパーソンは今何を目指す のか – 日経クロストレンド
これこそが、日本市場をけん引する現役マーケターたちの素顔であり、名鑑だ──。日 経クロストレンドは、このほどマーケティングに特に力を注ぐ企業を厳選…

Original survey “Japanese Marketer Directory 2024” What are the key people aiming for now? – Nikkei Cross Trend
This is the true face and directory of the active marketers who are driving the Japanese market. Nikkei Cross Trend has recently carefully selected companies that are focusing on marketing.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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