The upward trend of gold-related stocks continues, driven by the risk-laden global situation


The upward trend of gold-related stocks continues, driven by the risk-laden global situation

リスク満載の世界情勢が追い風、「金」関連株の上昇トレンドは続く <株探トップ特集
米利下げ期待の後退で足もとで金は調整しているが、買い需要は旺盛で中長期的な上 昇トレンドは続きそうだ。 ―目先はスピード調整の懸念も買い需要強い、ト ランプ…

The upward trend of gold-related stocks continues, driven by the risk-laden global situation
Gold prices are currently undergoing adjustment due to waning expectations for US interest rate cuts, but buying demand is strong and the medium- to long-term upward trend is likely to continue. – In the near term, Trump sees strong buying demand despite concerns about speed adjustments…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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