[Market Analysis] Bitcoin (BTC) Today’s Forecast | Daily and Weekly Support Pushing Upward Trend


[Market Analysis] Bitcoin (BTC) Today’s Forecast | Daily and Weekly Support Pushing Upward Trend

【相場分析】ビットコイン(BTC)今日の予想|日足・週足サポートが上 昇トレンドを押す展開
下落シナリオ. 先日の相場分析ではショートのチャンスがあったが、US時間に掛けて 上昇トレンドとなり、1時間足の短期EMA…

[Market Analysis] Bitcoin (BTC) Today’s Forecast | Daily and Weekly Support Pushing Upward Trend
Downside scenario. In the market analysis the other day, there was a short opportunity, but it became an upward trend in US time, and the short-term EMA on the 1-hour time frame…
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