Today’s Tokyo exchange outlook (Forex/FX News): The weak yen trend remains unchanged, and dollar selling adjustment after US economic indicators …


Today’s Tokyo exchange outlook (Forex/FX News): The weak yen trend remains unchanged, and dollar selling adjustment after US economic indicators …

本日の東京為替見通し(為替/FXニュース):円安トレンドは変わらず、 米経済指標後のドル売り調整 …
本日のドル円相場は流動性が悪いことで値動きは活発になりそうだが、依然として日 米のファンダメンタルズの相違で円安トレンドが続くと予想する。 ドル円 は…

Today’s Tokyo exchange outlook (Forex/FX News): The weak yen trend remains unchanged, and dollar selling adjustment after US economic indicators …
Today’s dollar/yen exchange rate is likely to be volatile due to poor liquidity, but we still expect the yen to continue to weaken due to differences in fundamentals between Japan and the US. The dollar yen…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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