An interior design professional suggests ways to revive the “salt” interior that has fallen into a rut | @Living @Living


An interior design professional suggests ways to revive the “salt” interior that has fallen into a rut | @Living @Living

マンネリ化した“塩系”インテリアを甦らせる方法をインテリアのプロが 提案 | @Living アットリビング
ここ10年のミニマリズムブームでインテリアもシンプルな“塩系”がトレンドに。でも変化が少なくマンネリ化しやすいのがネック。今回はアクセント小物を プラス…

An interior design professional suggests ways to revive the “salt” interior that has fallen into a rut | @Living @Living
With the minimalism boom of the past 10 years, simple “salt style” interior design has become a trend. However, the problem is that there is little change and it is easy to get stuck in a rut. This time I added accent accessories …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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