“@cosme” trend predictions for the second half include “mouth beauty activities” and “tabi cosmetics” | | ORICON NEWS | Saga…


“@cosme” trend predictions for the second half include “mouth beauty activities” and “tabi cosmetics” | | ORICON NEWS | Saga…

『@cosme』下半期トレンド予測に「おくち美活動」「旅備コスメ」な ど | | ORICON NEWS | 佐賀 …
新たに下半期のトレンド予測として発表されたのは「おくち美活動」「旅備 コスメ」「コンシーラー七変化」「成分フリーpick」「バリュパ消費」の5つ。各 ワード…

“@cosme” trend predictions for the second half include “mouth beauty activities” and “tabi cosmetics” | | ORICON NEWS | Saga…
Five new trend predictions for the second half of the year were announced: “Oral beauty activities,” “Tabibi cosmetics,” “Seven changes in concealer,” “Ingredient-free pick,” and “Valupa consumption.” Each word …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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