Koike’s 3rd election leads to “end of Japan” trend – goo News


Koike’s 3rd election leads to “end of Japan” trend – goo News

小池氏3選で「日本終了」トレンドに – goo ニュース
結果は現職の小池百合子氏の圧勝に終わり、自身でも勝因を「政策目標の約9割は達 成」と分析した。しかし、Xでは「日本終了」がトレンドになるなど反発も強 く、…

Koike’s 3rd election leads to “end of Japan” trend – goo News
The result was an overwhelming victory for incumbent Yuriko Koike, and she herself analyzed the reason for her victory as “about 90% of the policy goals were achieved.” However, in X, there was a strong backlash, with “end of Japan” becoming a trend. …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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