[User Question] Top jockeys who come to Japan with short-term licenses…Who will fit immediately into Japanese horse racing?


[User Question] Top jockeys who come to Japan with short-term licenses…Who will fit immediately into Japanese horse racing?

【ユーザー質問】短期免許で来日のトップジョッキーたち…日本の競馬 にすぐにフィットするのは …
今週は、短期免許で来日する外国人騎手についてのユーザー質問に回答! か つてはミルコ騎手自身も経験した短期免許での騎乗。生活、文化面だけでなく競馬 の…

[User Question] Top jockeys who come to Japan with short-term licenses…Who will fit immediately into Japanese horse racing?
This week, we answer user questions about foreign jockeys coming to Japan with short-term licenses! Jockey Mirko himself once experienced riding with a short-term license. Not only in terms of life and culture, but also in horse racing…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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