“Modern Picasso” Romero Brido visits Japan for the first time in 28 years “I was able to complete a beautiful piece of work.”


“Modern Picasso” Romero Brido visits Japan for the first time in 28 years “I was able to complete a beautiful piece of work.”

「現代のピカソ」ロメロ・ブリッド氏が28年ぶり来日「美しい作品を仕 上げることができて
ロメロ ブリット来日展」(7日まで)の記者発表会を行った。 ディズニーの 公式アーティストを務めるほか、2010年サッカーW杯のポスターを手掛けるなど「現 代の…

“Modern Picasso” Romero Brido visits Japan for the first time in 28 years “I was able to complete a beautiful piece of work.”
A press conference was held for the Romero Britto Come to Japan Exhibition” (until the 7th). In addition to serving as an official artist for Disney, he also worked on posters for the 2010 Soccer World Cup, creating a “contemporary …”
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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