Local radio personality opens “Community Snack Masako” in Matsumoto – Matsumoto Keizai Shimbun


Local radio personality opens “Community Snack Masako” in Matsumoto – Matsumoto Keizai Shimbun

松本に「コミュニティースナックまさこ」 地元ラジオパーソナリテ ィーが開業 – 松本経済新聞
オープンして1カ月。日によって雰囲気が異なり、居合わせた人同士で会話が弾んだ り、外国人観光客とのコミュニケーションを楽しんだりする姿も見…

Local radio personality opens “Community Snack Masako” in Matsumoto – Matsumoto Keizai Shimbun
It’s been a month since we opened. The atmosphere changes depending on the day, and you can see people having lively conversations with each other and enjoying communication with foreign tourists.
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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