The yen is weak, but the surcharge is falling! Highly recommended travel destinations to visit during Golden Week & the latest money-saving techniques [Overseas Edition]


The yen is weak, but the surcharge is falling! Highly recommended travel destinations to visit during Golden Week & the latest money-saving techniques [Overseas Edition]

円安だけどサーチャージは値下がり中! GWに行くべき激推し旅行先 &最新節約テク【海外編】
パウダースノーのスキー場として有名なここは、今やリッチなインバウンド客ばかり の"外国人天国"である。そのリアルな実態をルポライターの安田峰俊氏が 体…

The yen is weak, but the surcharge is falling! Highly recommended travel destinations to visit during Golden Week & the latest money-saving techniques [Overseas Edition]
Famous as a ski resort with powder snow, it is now a “foreigner’s paradise” filled with wealthy inbound tourists. Mr. Minetoshi Yasuda, a report writer, explains the real situation …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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