Vacationers flock to the prefecture, making the prefecture lively. Expectations are high for Toyama Station, tourist spots, and Golden Week. Hokuriku Shinkansen Tsuruga extension will soon be in its first month.
行楽客続々、県内に活気 富山駅や観光地、GWも期待高まる 北陸新幹 線敦賀延伸、間もなく1カ月
南砺市の世界遺産・相倉合掌造り集落では外国人観光客の姿が目立った。フ ランスの4人グループは関西巡り後に新幹線を利用して訪れ「落ち着いた雰囲気と雪 が…
Vacationers flock to the prefecture, making the prefecture lively. Expectations are high for Toyama Station, tourist spots, and Golden Week. Hokuriku Shinkansen Tsuruga extension will soon be in its first month.
Foreign tourists were conspicuous at the Ainokura Gassho-zukuri village, a world heritage site in Nanto City. A group of four from France took the Shinkansen after touring the Kansai region and visited, “The calm atmosphere and snow…”
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.