Are Kyoto’s summer days coming earlier than before? Surprising data emerges compared to 100 years ago


Are Kyoto’s summer days coming earlier than before? Surprising data emerges compared to 100 years ago

京都の「夏日」、昔より早くなっている? 100年前と比較、意外なデー タが浮上
京都市中京区は4月7日、25・7度となり、今年初の夏日となった。 市内は汗ばむ陽気となり、半袖姿の観光客の姿も多く見られた。昨年はさら に早…

Are Kyoto’s summer days coming earlier than before? Surprising data emerges compared to 100 years ago
KyotoIn Nakagyo Ward, the temperature reached 25.7 degrees on April 7th, the first summer day of the year. The city was sweaty and sunny, and many tourists were seen wearing short sleeves. Last year it was even earlier …
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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