The “Savior” of the Giants who hit hard… Shocking “15-9” Hitting in 8 consecutive games since coming to Japan, an astonishing “.441” | Full-Count


The “Savior” of the Giants who hit hard… Shocking “15-9” Hitting in 8 consecutive games since coming to Japan, an astonishing “.441” | Full-Count

打ちまくる巨人の”救世主”…衝撃の「15-9」 来日から8戦連続安打、驚 異の「.441」 | Full-Count
巨人の新助っ人、エリエ・ヘルナンデス外野手の躍動が止まらない。5月28日に1軍登 録されると、8試合連続安打を記録するなど、8試合の出場で打率.441、2…

The “Savior” of the Giants who hit hard… Shocking “15-9” Hitting in 8 consecutive games since coming to Japan, an astonishing “.441” | Full-Count
The Giants’ new helper, outfielder Elie Hernandez, is unstoppable. When he was registered in the first team on May 28th, he recorded a hitting streak in 8 games, with a batting average of .441 and 2…
*Translated using Google’s automatic translation function. If there are any mistranslations, please contact us.

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